Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How do you keep track of your classmates' blogs?

You may remember me suggesting at the beginning of term that you familiarize yourself with RSS and subscribe to a service like Google Reader or Bloglines to make it easier to read your classmates' blogs. Well, I'm curious to know how you are getting on. How have you been keeping track of your classmates' blogs? Please give me some feedback by filling in the poll in the sidebar. Or you can leave your comments here.

Thanks for taking part in the survey to those who did. The results are in now and for the record, here they are:
Votes: 15
I use a feed reader like Google reader: 3
I click on the links in the Blackboard course: 3
I click on the links in Christoph's blog: 2
I click on the links in my own blog: 7

1 comment:

saufanyip2004 said...

Every few days, I ususally use the function of Google Reader to watch my classmates' blogs. I think it is very convenient and fast to enjoy my classmates' recent reflection or recent news. We always watch our classmates' blogs so our relationship among us is closed. I enjoy this course very much. It is funny and interesting.
